Here’s a look at all the small groups and Bible studies happening at Brooksville Methodist. There’s a spot for everyone to get plugged in, GROW deeper in your relationship with God, and GROW new friendships with others.


To learn more about a group you’re interested in, contact the group leader or the church office at 352-796-3363.

The Book of Titus

Sundays at 8:30 am the Conference Room

Starting Sunday, February 16

Led by Chuck Morris

Walk through The Book of Titus with Chuck Morris as he leads the group through a video series by Chip Ingram. In the series, Ingram unpacks the book of Titus. “He challenges us to display the gospel in our lives through doing good. We do good works not to earn God’s favor, but as a result of God’s favor.” Anyone interested is welcome to join at any part of the series.

Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan for Prayer

Sundays at 8:30 am in Children’s Room

Starting Sunday, February 16

Led by Kirsty Griffin

Study Book: “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer

Inspired by the film War Room, “Fervent is a hands-on, knees-down, never-give-up action guide to practical, purposeful prayer.” This will be a 9-week series for women spent walking through 10 strategies for “serious, specific, and strategic prayer.” Women of all ages are welcome to join at any part of the series.

Practicing The Way

Sundays at 6:00 pm at the McClain Home

Starting Sunday, February 16

Led by Pastor Clark & Michelle McClain

Study Book: “Practicing the Way” by John Mark Comer

Pastor Clark and Michelle will be hosting a 10-week group walking through the "Practicing the Way Course". The first week (Feb. 16), the group will go bowling at Strike City in Spring Hill. The second week, the group will have dinner at Pastor Clark’s house, and the work of the study will start on the third week. Anyone interested is welcome to join at any part of the series.


The goal of "Practicing the Way" is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did.

Tuesday Morning Ladies Group

Tuesdays at 10:00 am in Conference Room

Led by Terry Rose 

This ladies Bible Study meets weekly on Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the church Conference Room. The group is currently studying the book of Daniel. They also meet monthly for lunch, and regularly work on projects to support various community ministries. For details, contact Terry Rose or the church office.

Youth Praise Band & Youth Group

Youth Praise Band: Sundays at 3:00 pm

Teen Youth Group: Sundays at 4:00 pm

Led by Andy Zipperer

Students in grades 6-12 are invited to join the teen youth group on Sundays from 4:00 - 6:00 pm for a time of games, music and fellowship. Students wanting to participate in the Youth Praise Band can contact Andy for details. Both groups meet in the Fellowship Hall.


The group also holds various trips and outings throughout the year, like bowling night, Midnight Madness, youth retreats, and more.

Out of the Cave

Wednesdays at 6:00 pm

Starting Wednesday, February 19

Led by Chuck & Lisa Morris

and Dave & Barb Adams

Study Book: “Out of the Cave” by Chris Hodges

The Wednesday evening Bible Study will walk through the story of Elijah and his season of depression, as outlined in the book by Chris Hodges. Anyone is welcome to join the study at any point in the series. 


“In Out of the Cave, Chris Hodges uses Elijah's life to show us that everyone is susceptible to depression. Even when we're walking closely with God, we can still stumble and get lost in the wilderness of tangled emotions. But we don't have to stay there, because we serve a God who meets us in the darkness.”

Looking for Upcoming Events?

At Brooksville Methodist, we have lots of fun events free and open to the community throughout the year. 

We'd love for you to join us! Head over to the Events page to see what's next on the calendar! 

Follow us to stay up to date!

There are various pop-up small group series and Bible studies that meet seasonally. This information is shared on Sunday mornings and through our social media channels.


For the most up to date information about upcoming events and small groups, contact the church office or visit our social pages.


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